An eighty page book, containing a 24,000 word interview, with a career sketch, a comprehensive bibliography, and a representative selection of quotations from the Hamburger's critics and reviewers.
I am pleased to have had the opportunity afforded by this volume to peep into Michael Hamburger's workshop (and garden) and learn more about this major figure who, for anyone involved in poetry translation, has been a role model over the past thirty years. If Donald Davie has been the exemplary poet critic and Jon Silkin the exemplary poet editor, then Michael Hamburger has been the exemplary poet translator. The sole survivor among these three, long may he thrive.
Anthony Rudolf, The Menard Press.
I am pleased to have had the opportunity afforded by this volume to peep into Michael Hamburger's workshop (and garden) and learn more about this major figure who, for anyone involved in poetry translation, has been a role model over the past thirty years. If Donald Davie has been the exemplary poet critic and Jon Silkin the exemplary poet editor, then Michael Hamburger has been the exemplary poet translator. The sole survivor among these three, long may he thrive.
Anthony Rudolf, The Menard Press.