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Collection: Waywiser Press

Waywiser Press, a small independent company, was founded in 2001 and has its head office in Oxfordshire and a subsidiary in Baltimore, USA. Waywiser publishes not just poetry but literary books of all kinds, including works of fiction, memoir, criticism and history.

Waywiser runs the annual Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize, which is open to anyone with a maximum of one previously published collection, and rewards its winner with a purse of £1,750 or $3,000 and publication on both sides of the Atlantic. Waywiser also has an imprint, Between The Lines, which publishes book-length interviews with senior contemporary poets: the list includes a number of the names above but also John Ashbery, Seamus Heaney, Donald Justice and Charles Simic.

The Waywiser Press
Bench House
82 London Road
Chipping Norton
  Tel: +44 (0)1608 644755

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  • This Time Tomorrow
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