In This Time Tomorrow, Matthew Thorburn searches for his own answers to some fundamental questions: Why do we travel? Why seek out new places and cultures, only to have to leave them? Whether writing about Japan, China or Iceland, Thorburn brings his sharp eye and musical ear to the poet’s work: honouring with words the mysteries and wonders to be found in the landscapes we choose to wander.
“Wallace Stevens once said that poets must love words with all their power to love anything at all. Few first books show as much pleasure in words as Matthew Thorburn’s Subject to Change.”
Stephen Burt, The New York Times Book Review
“Saturated with colour and light... Thorburn’s poems pay special attention to the clothing and adornments that change to fit life’s varied occasions.”
Publishers Weekly
Matthew Thorburn is the author of two previous poetry collections: Subject to Change (2004) and Every Possible Blue (2012), and a chapbook, Disappears in the Rain (2009). His awards include a Witter Bynner Fellowship from the US Library of Congress and the Bronx Council on the Arts fellowship. His poems have appeared widely in magazines including Poetry, the Paris Review and Ploughshares. He lives in New York City.